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Download Temple Emmet Williams - Warrior Patient : How to Beat Deadly Diseases with Laughter, Good Doctors, Love, and Guts in TXT, DOC


This book is about a person who uses laughter, love, good doctors and guts to completely recover from cancer, kidney failure, dialysis, deadly infections, partial blindness, shingles, large open wounds, a hernia and a little amputation. It takes almost three years to accomplish, but the patient now plays tennis seven days a week (weather permitting), walks, bikes and works out in the gym. Almost miraculously, he is "back to normal." He laughs a lot. How did he do it? ***** The world we live in has the best doctors and the most advanced medical system that our civilization has ever known. Yet 100,000 patients die and nine million suffer injury every year. If medical mistakes were a disease, it would be the sixth leading cause of deaths in America. In this age of medical miracles, patients continue to sink into the quicksand of "going to the hospital." Who has not heard about someone who checked into a facility for "normal" surgery ... leading to their death? A cartoon makes a joke out of it. It shows a doctor in a laboratory. "We don't need better medicine," he announces to his colleagues, "we need stronger lab rats." Reading Warrior Patient, you take an extraordinary, often amusing journey into the quicksand of modern medicine. In the midst of a long list of life-threatening illnesses, you learn to laugh and you learn how to become a much stronger lab rat, a "Warrior Patient." You take advantage of America's modern medical system. You are not taken advantage of by that system. The story unfolds with humor and anecdotes that capture characters, times and places, from good doctors to bad ones, from childhood to old age, from Africa to Sweden. In the end, you completely recover. You live again. You have a life. Enjoy the trip. KIRKUS REVIEW follows: In his humorous debut memoir, Williams envisions his shambolic prostate cancer saga as the education of a "medical dope" into "healthy hope." A Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist and editor based in Boca Raton, Florida, Williams embarked on an unwelcome medical odyssey after a biopsy revealed he had prostate cancer. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning of a three-year comedy of errors. The radical robotic prostatectomy went well, but it was followed by hernias, MRSA, kidney failure, shingles, and eye troubles. Doctors failed him with a "prescription fiasco" and a canceled surgery. This might all have made for an overwhelmingly depressing litany of suffering were it not for Williams' winning second-person, present-tense narration. By recounting his journey like a set of instructions to a hapless new patient, he involves readers on an intimate level and gains wry perspective on his own circumstances. Along the way, he gives readable accounts of bodily processes and treatment history, such as a description of early dialysis. In one memorable chapter, he also recalls four previous occasions when he faced down death: pneumonia at age 4, two reckless teenage car accidents, and incarceration in a Malawi prison. "Humor is the best doctor you will ever know," Williams insists, and he follows his own advice by finding the funny side of every situation. That doctor who caused a prescription snafu-which gave Williams blisters all over his groin and legs-attended "the 10,623rd best medical school in the world." Even catheterization and erectile dysfunction offer a few laughs, the latter entailing a special class and a penis pump. Clip art and stock photos heading each chapter and in advertising postcards at the end seem gimmicky, but add color and whimsy. Yet Williams stresses that patients must demand answers and hold their physicians to account. There are serious warnings here, too, often delivered in short "Warrior Patient rule" aphorisms at the end of each chapter. For instance, "If you need help, get it. Bravery is for dead people." Equally sardonic and informative-definitely not your average cancer memoir. - Kirkus Reviews, This book will forever change how you approach the miracles of modern medicine. It is the stunning, and surprisingly humorous story of a person who recovers completely from a relentless series of medical problems, many of which were caused by the system designed to prevent them. They include cancer, kidney failure, dialysis, deadly infections, partial blindness, shingles, large open wounds, a hernia and a little amputation. It takes almost three years, but the patient now plays tennis seven days a week (weather permitting). He walks, bikes and works out in a gym. Almost miraculously, he is "back to normal." Read how he did it in this spellbinding memoir of survival., Warrior Patient is a stunning story about a person who completely recovers from life-threatening medical problems. They include cancer, kidney failure, dialysis, deadly infections, partial blindness, shingles, large open wounds, a hernia and a little amputation. It takes almost three years to accomplish, but the patient now plays tennis, walks, bikes and works out in a gym. Almost miraculously, he is "back to normal." Learn how he did it in a spellbinding memoir of survival that will forever change the way you deal with the miracle of modern medicine. ***** The world we live in has the best doctors and the most advanced medical system that our civilization has ever known. Yet 100,000 patients die and nine million suffer injury every year. If medical mistakes were a disease, it would be the sixth leading cause of deaths in America. In this age of medical miracles, patients continue to sink into the quicksand of "going to the hospital." Who has not heard about someone who checked into a facility for "normal" surgery ... leading to their death? A cartoon makes a joke out of it. It shows a doctor in a laboratory. "We don't need better medicine," he announces to his colleagues, "we need stronger lab rats." Reading Warrior Patient, you take an extraordinary, often amusing journey into the quicksand of modern medicine. In the midst of a long list of life-threatening illnesses, you learn to laugh and you learn how to become a much stronger lab rat, a "Warrior Patient." You take advantage of America's modern medical system. You are not taken advantage of by that system. The story unfolds with humor and anecdotes that capture characters, times and places, from good doctors to bad ones, from childhood to old age, from Africa to Sweden. In the end, you completely recover. You live again. You have a life. Enjoy the trip. KIRKUS REVIEW follows: In his humorous debut memoir, Williams envisions his shambolic prostate cancer saga as the education of a "medical dope" into "healthy hope." A Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist and editor based in Boca Raton, Florida, Williams embarked on an unwelcome medical odyssey after a biopsy revealed he had prostate cancer. Unfortunately, that was just the beginning of a three-year comedy of errors. The radical robotic prostatectomy went well, but it was followed by hernias, MRSA, kidney failure, shingles, and eye troubles. Doctors failed him with a "prescription fiasco" and a canceled surgery. This might all have made for an overwhelmingly depressing litany of suffering were it not for Williams' winning second-person, present-tense narration. By recounting his journey like a set of instructions to a hapless new patient, he involves readers on an intimate level and gains wry perspective on his own circumstances. Along the way, he gives readable accounts of bodily processes and treatment history, such as a description of early dialysis. In one memorable chapter, he also recalls four previous occasions when he faced down death: pneumonia at age 4, two reckless teenage car accidents, and incarceration in a Malawi prison. "Humor is the best doctor you will ever know," Williams insists, and he follows his own advice by finding the funny side of every situation. That doctor who caused a prescription snafu-which gave Williams blisters all over his groin and legs-attended "the 10,623rd best medical school in the world." Even catheterization and erectile dysfunction offer a few laughs, the latter entailing a special class and a penis pump. Clip art and stock photos ... add color and whimsy. Yet Williams stresses that patients must demand answers and hold their physicians to account. There are serious warnings here, too, often delivered in short "Warrior Patient rule" aphorisms at the end of each chapter. For instance, "If you need help, get it. Bravery is for dead people." Equally sardonic and informative-definitely not your average cancer memoir. - Kirkus Reviews, Warrior Patient is an uplifting memoir about surviving the best medical system our civilization has ever know. Written with humor, it follows one patient through the medical quicksand of cancer, renal failure, kidney dialysis, life-threatening infections, partial blindness, open wounds, shingles, hernias, MRSA, and a little amputation. It is a book of survival, hope, love and laughter ... and life-saving lessons for patients, doctors and caregivers. Today, the author has fully recovered, plays tennis as much as seven days a week, laughs, writes, edits and has a life. He's living proof that it can be done.

Warrior Patient : How to Beat Deadly Diseases with Laughter, Good Doctors, Love, and Guts by Temple Emmet Williams read online MOBI